...Swiss Alps, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bits and Pieces

So many thoughts crowd into my head on this calm, relaxing sea day. I actually slept until almost 8AM, it is a cloudy day so no sun snuck in through the crack in the curtains to start the day. Some people say it is humid, that I don't notice and I'm looking forward to sitting out in the cool weather reading, although I had hoped to soak up a little sun rather than get soaked by the few raindrops that come down intermittently. Many people are already out there, mostly sleeping! This has been an exhausting cruise and I've taken it easier than most people so I might be a little more rested.

I realized that I didn't print out the information for my hotel in Venice so I hope there are no problems and I have written Marriott an email hoping they will respond while I still have access to email with my confirmation number. I found out today that the airport hotel is 6 miles from the city, but the man with all of the information helped me and showed me how to take a bus to a place where I can then get a vaporetto on the Grand Canal to get to St. Mark's square so I don't feel as nervous, well I am as nervous really, but like having the information. I am spending most of my time in Venice on the ship tours, but he encouraged me to go back in even at 10 at night to see things lit up, the pictures are beautiful! But since I will be alone, that might have to be another time, and I believe there will be another time in Venice! Peter told me where to stand on the ship as we arrive into Venice so hopefully I'll get a good spot before the decks fill up. I'm excited to watch this entrance to this beautiful Italian city, one I have taught about for years and never, ever thought I'd visit! A poster of the Grand Canal has been up year after year in my classroom and I've read books about the city whose streets are water, and now I will be right in the middle of that poster picture and the stories! Hard to believe!

I think that as interesting facts I haven't written about come to me, I will just include them here and add them as I think of them. For example I forgot to mention the amazing bridge we saw in the countryside of Marseilles, it was built in 300AD and was made just of large stones, no mortar because it had not been developed yet. The bridge had archways in it above the water line to help when the river flooded, the water could go through the arches rather than over the bridge. The construction was really brilliant! And since one year I did a unit on bridges around the world and throughout time, this will be an interesting one to add. I was amazed the kids loved learning about bridges. I asked if we were near any ancient aquaducts and we were about an hour away from the closest, so I didn't see that this trip.

Well, now I am off to read...and dream of places I'll see in the future...

ADDITIONAL bit and piece - I believe I forgot to write about an interesting thing our guide told us in Kusadasi. Sometime in the years BC, the Amazon women lived in the area of Ephesus and they were very big and very strong warriors. The story is that they cut off the breast on the side of their dominant hand so it wouldn't get in the way when they used their bows. She told us that she is privileged each year to be the guide for a group of women who have had mastectomies and come to this place for the strength that the Amazon women showed in ancient times. What an experience that must be for all involved, it is such an amazing place!

I'm feeling a bit better about the time alone in Venice, other than the quite common warning to be careful of pickpockets, I'm told it is very safe and easy to get around. Robbie, the tour person, in the same job as César was, has been very helpful and is very knowledgeable and has helped me with things since I first got on the ship. So many people are new or don't really know what goes on so I always feel very lucky to find someone who is smart and knows everything about the ports we are going to. Being alone makes me have to plan a lot more and make sure I can get from point A to point B on time! He told me that the most beautiful part of the arrival will be at about noon until 12:30 so I will have plenty of time to then go down and get ready for my first tour of Venice, one of the basilicas, the Murano glass factory and a gondola ride. Then I will be back for an hour before the serenading gondola ride and now it seems I will stay in Venice to see the magnificent St. Mark's Square lit up at night and then return to the ship by water taxi...and hopefully it will all work out well and easily. We won't be the only ship in, and I am sure there will be a lot of people who will be boarding the Emerald for the transatlantic trip it will be making when it leaves Venice. It is an 18 day trip and I have to admit I am quite tempted to try to get a cabin and stay on it, but I'm doubting that would be possible even if I did want to spend 18 more days at sea! It goes to some of the same ports, which is always exciting because you can do different tours, and just happens to stop in Lisbon for a day! Now that would be the highlight I think, but it may not work out as César is now working midnight to 8AM and is in school from 8AM to 1PM and then has to study and sleep, so seeing him probably wouldn't happen anyway. With all he is doing it will realistically be 3 years before I see him again...so I might as well travel to new and different places!

The weather cleared up, I'm almost packed and I have to say that I didn't get a lot of gifts this trip, but several souvenirs that will make my home, which needs so much work, on the verge of being an international museum! Yes, this was a wonderful way to spend the new year!

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