...Swiss Alps, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Suck It Up!

Suck It Up!

London, whew!  My flights went well.  In a discussion with my flight friend, we were talking about jet lag.  He was headed off to a full day of meetings before he got to sleep.  His suit was in a wardrobe bag and he would visit the arrival lounge and get a shower and prepare for his day.  I was saying how hard it is for me and how I've been known to take a nap when I arrive, only to awaken at night, perpetuating the jet lag longer.  He was funny, he told me to just suck it up and stay awake.  He had no idea that I am quite far from a 'suck it up' person!   But...I was determined to do things a bit differently this time to see what would happen...so when I checked into my hotel a bit after 9AM, and looked longingly at the big, fluffy bed, I resisted the urge to lie down and sleep, after all it was 2AM at home and I'd had a very long day, so what harm could a short nap do?

And then I remembered the times a short nap turned into a full days sleep, leaving me up all night.  When I started traveling, a short nap worked, now it doesn't, so time to try something new.  Suck it up and head out...oh how tired I was!

I stay at an airport hotel.  It is easy for me to get here when I arrive so exhausted. I walk out the door marked 'Taxis' and 10 GBP  later, I'm checking into my hotel.  I know I could not tackle facing the tube with my luggage, no desire to sit in traffic in a car with a driver or really much of anything.  When i was with someone it was easier to arrive and make a journey to a hotel, but alone, i just dont have the stamina.  This time since my onward journey is from a train station in central London, I had decided to check out central hotels.  I'm back at my hotel at the airport, and here is why...

Hotels that are large in central London are over twice as expensive as my airport hangout, actually probably 3 or 4 times as much.  Small ones that are more comparable in price don't have the large number of rooms available so when they say check in is at 3 that is what they mean!  I could have paid an extra 20 or 30 GBP to check in at noon.  But I know myself well and know that I could never stay awake that long on arrival day.  So after extensive research, I decided that for me personally, I needed to stay in the airport vicinity.  Another advantage, beyond location and cheaper cost, is the fact that large hotels have people checking out all the time, and many rooms, and it is more likely a room will be available that early.  That is very important to me.  

So the flight arrived a little late, about 6:45 AM, and I was through customs and in a taxi by 7:45 and at my hotel by 8 AM.  I've stayed at the same hotel for the 7 years I've been traveling and although the front desk staff has changed constantly, the concierge staff has been there to greet me year after year!  That warm greeting is so nice to walk in to after the long trip!  I don't even have anyone to greet me when I return home except the dogs, so it is nice to arrive somewhere where people are warm and nurturing.  Those men are amazing, and do take care of me.  The hotel was recently purchased by someone and perhaps the front desk will rise to the quality of the concierge staff.  My package I purchased through a third party on line included breakfast  for the following morning.  The very nice reception man called to have a room cleaned for me and gave me a breakfast voucher to enjoy while I waited.  The cost for that is usually 20 GBP, so a nice treat indeed!  I enjoyed that and the free Internet pass code they gave me and by the time I'd finished breakfast, a room was ready and there I was, facing the big cushy bed calling my name..

Tempting, but I could resist, I could 'suck it up' and head out for a bit...just to see how it worked out...so off I headed for a new adventure in England!  I'd planned the outing, a place not too far from the airport but like another world...Windsor.  I'd visited Windsor on my first visit to England for a cruise, but that was in the days of being afraid of everything and had a car and driver and wandered down the street and since it was too late to get into the castle, we then just drove all over the area.  It was lovely, but I've been wanting to see more, so I was looking forward to this new adventure.  Windsor castle, breathtaking high on a hill, the place the queen loves.  And from the flag flying and the smoke in the chimney from the Queen's chambers, all knew that the Queen was in residence that day.  I have to admit that it was a bit thrilling to know I was so close to the Queen of England.

I had 2 choices on transportation, I could take a car and driver, expensive, or two buses.  I decided to opt for the car and driver there and would take the buses back.  So just after 10 AM I was walking into Windsor Castle!  I had not thought about the fact that the walk...to that castle on a hill, would include an uphill climb.  Probably nothing for most people, but for me, in my exhausted state, it was a challenge.  Of course I made it, slowly, and how lovely the grounds are!  I wandered around and was lucky that the changing of the guard would be taking place during my visit.  I headed up to the field where it would take place.  I sat, a mistake because in no time at all so many people had gathered I couldn't get close to seeing anything.  I then decided that since I'd seen the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, I could pass on that and continue on to the state apartments while most people were watching the big event.  Oh, how my feet hurt!  But trudge on I did, one can't be in Windsor and not see it all!  I had been given an audio tour when I arrived, but somehow I'd missed the headphones so I decided to browse, enjoy what I saw and at some later date read about it.  I was too tired to want someone talking in my ears anyway.  

What beauty I experienced as I wandered through the Queens dollhouse room and the gorgeous rooms beyond.  The kings bedchamber, the throne room, the Queen's reception room, a dining room, and so many more!  I may have the names wrong, but the beauty and feel of the elegance was well worth the trip!  When I'm home I will read more about the sights I saw.

There are attendants all around the grounds and in the rooms.  Everyone looked so formal I was a little intimidated.  But in one of the last rooms, which overlooked the field where the changing of the guard was taking place, set to music, I was able to watch a bit of that and just had to ask a question.  I went up to a young man and older woman and asked if I could ask a question.  "of course you can, my love" the lady responded.  I said that I had not listened to my audio tour but...and the young man laughed and said I was talking to a teacher so I probably shouldn't say I'd not listened to a thing.  I told them I was a teacher too and I thought that allowed us to not follow directions.  She laughed, she was lovely.  I asked where the Queen was, since she was there.  She jokingly said she wandered incognito and was right behind me.  Of course she got a good laugh when I turned around.  Then she took me to the window and pointed out where their living area was, and where guests stayed. She showed me where the car would drive inside to let the Queen out and which windows were her sitting room, where she probably was right then watching the changing of the guard.  Interesting feeling to think I was close to royalty.

I was exhausted and it was time to head back to the hotel and that bed...I wasn't sure my feet would carry me.  The exit was down the hill, downhill-a good thing at that point!  But there was one place left to see, I wasn't sure my feet would make it...

I have a friend who is amazing.  He lives in Scotland and he spoils me with his expert travel advice.  How lucky I am to have my own private travel consultant!  I've learned that when Jon tells me to see and do something, I need to follow his advice, he always knows what I enjoy!  So Jon told me to visit the chapel...this meant that my feet would have to carry me a bit further, my body would have to stay awake a bit longer and I would just have to 'suck it up' because I wouldn't leave until I'd seen it!  Well, he was right again!  I'd not expected much, I've been in beautiful churches and thought it would be just one more...how wonderfully surprised I was!  It was breathtaking!  I can't wait to learn why it is so important, but I do know how I felt when I entered...I was in a very special place!  I tried to see it all and put it in my memory so when I read about it, I will know each thing I read about.  Thank you Jon!  That was the highlight of the visit and I do love Windsor!  

So the sightseeing was over for the day and by the time I got back to the hotel it was half past noon, finally time to sleep...I'd 'sucked it up' as long as I could!  Slept most of the day, went down for fish and chips for dinner.  Expensive but it was that or walking a few blocks to the pub...exhaustion won out, and soon I was back in bed!

End of day 1...

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