...Swiss Alps, 2008

Monday, April 11, 2011


Travel is so many things. It offers us so many opportunities, not the least of which is the opportunity to practice, or learn, patience.

When I left Denver Friday the flight was delayed, and then delayed again. I was on a time schedule because I hoped, and had planned, to arrive, pick up my rental car, and be at the cemetery before it closed. The delay made this look unlikely. The plane had arrived so I was curious why it was just sitting there. There is always something new to learn. The explanation was this: the crew is only allowed to work so many hours at a time which I knew. The plane arrived just late enough that if the crew had stayed on as planned they would have been 'illegally' working during our flight, being over the time limit so a whole new crew had to be called in. The crew arrived rather promptly I'd say and we were just over an hour late leaving.

I was so glad that I had only taken a carry on suitcase so there was no wait for luggage. Made it to the car rental center and got in the car and couldn't find the key for the car. Found something that was a remote but no key and then noticed a button that said start. Pushed it and it wouldn't start but eventually it did. My first experience with a push button starter. Finally I was on my way. After getting lost on the toll road I called my cousin for help and was soon headed back the right way. Patience! Luckily the hours must have changed and I arrived in time. It's been a few years since I'd visited so I'm glad it worked out. After that visit I went to see two of my cousins and we went for dinner at a wonderful barbecue place. I think it is hard to beat texas barbecue. After that yummy dinner we said goodbye and I was on my way to see another cousin who happened to be in Houston from San Antonio. Well I thought I would be on my way, but the car wouldn't start. It kept saying 'brake' on the dash, but I kept checking and te brake wasn't on. Patience! I went back up to the door and my cousins husband came out to help me. Evidently that brake message meant that I needed to have my foot on the brake to make the starter button work. Maakes sense now!

Had a nice time visiting with my cousin and then it was time to head out to find a hotel for the night. I was beyond exhausted and knew i would never make it to Galveston that night. Her husband was telling me about a nice hotel not too far away. Now I'm not sure you can even imagine how many hotels and motels there are in Houston. The one he was suggesting was a Marriott that wasn't too far away. As he described it, I realized he was sending me to the hotel where I had my huge wedding 33years ago. He hadn't been around then and had no idea! What were the chances of that recommendation? Another step into my past! Anyway I told him, id Been there and done that, keep thinking. I wanted to stay in a different direction, towards Galveston so we made that arrangement and the two of them were kind enough to lead me there, it was quite a drive but finally the long day was over!

After a good nights sleep I was leaving and asked a lady what conference was at the hotel and it was a doll conference. On the way out a door was open in a conference room and I peeked in and saw the most incredible dolls ever! I couldn't resist going in and had a personal tour of the handmade porcelain dolls that were incredible! People make the entire doll, porrceline faces, clothing, accessories and all. I have never been much of a doll person,but seeing these dolls created as dolls from around the world was truly fascinating! I'd never have imagined that people created such beauty that way. The faces and clothing were so amazing! There is so much to see and learn about in our world! May I never stop having these learning experiences! Well except for those patience learning ones...those are my challenge!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time Travel

Imagine that in only 2 hours one can travel back 42 years! I tried it and what a trip! 42 years ago 7 high school friends graduated, said goodbye and headed different directions in life. On and off in the first few years they kept in touch but time and distance made the separation more permanent. Life continued...for 42 years.

A couple of the women decided that the 60th birthday year for the seven was a good time to reunite. Numerous emails begin circulating and in a relatively short time 7 friends had planned their reunion...in Galveston, Texas. Not far from Houston where they had shared their high school years. From Tennessee to Colorado and from Oklahoma to parts of Texas we all descended on Galveston Island, gifts, food and music in hand, for a trip back to our youth.

What could I expect after so many years? Some of us had become grandparents while others have no children, some married, some not. I arrived last, many other pieces to my first trip back to Houston in years had to be handled first. And walking into the condo was like walking back in time. Within minutes we were sharing stories, old and new, memories coming flooding back. Music, laughter and a beautiful setting took us back...and brought us forward. Stories happy,some sad, pictures of the past and present shared...7 friends together again!

Local friends brought so much food, combined with gifts, sweets - pralines from new Orleans, cheeses from Vermont, chocolates from Bruges, and more to make this weekend special. Hours spent reminiscing mingled with highlights of 42 years. Some of us have traveled the world, some of us have not. After a delicious lunch at the Mosquito Cafe we drove around and saw the rebuilding after hurricane Ike. Some beautiful new structures lined the streets next to destroyed homes never rebuilt. Old trees that had to be removed have been turned into sculptures in the yards. Stories of sadness of the devastation mixed in with our delightful memories. Life...

Wandering the strand was a great way to spend the afternoon in thankfully, a not too hot day. Before we knew it, it was time to head out for our birthday dinner. Gaidos, a famous seafood restaurant, is turning 100 this year and that is where we went to celebrate. Several of us had memories of eating there with our families long, long ago. We would drive all the way to Galveston on a Sunday for dinner. Not a pleasant memory,but with the comfort of an old memory. I was dressed in a sticky, fancy 'sunday dress' for the long ride to Galveston only to be followed by sitting quietly for a meal that took hours. We shared stories and enjoyed our celebration and the delicious food. I had the famous bisque, stuffed shrimp in bacon with a molasses sauce on brown rice. A friend and I shared a real baked potato, loaded, the way we eat them in Texas. The meal was over, but not the surprises. One friend had emailed a collage of our old pictures to a well known bakery and had a famous lemonade cake made with that as the decoration. This was quite possibly the best cake ive ever had!

A couple more hours and then the birthday day was over. Waking up on Sunday was bittersweet. Such a wonderful reunion was coming to an end, but what a celebration it was! With many hugs and promises to keep in touch, 7 friends left the past and returned to real life...a bit more connected, a bit more comfortable with our age and our past.

Thank you my friends for so many gifts to carry forward!