...Swiss Alps, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grand Day at the Grand Bazaar

Unfortunately the day was dark, cold and rainy as we approached Istanbul so the skyline was shrouded in a cloak of fog. As we disembarked for the day the rain was coming down lightly and did so off and on all day. But it didn't stop anyone from making the most of the destination! I was lucky that my British friends were willing to accompany me on the ship's shuttle to the area of the Grand Bazaar. I was pleasantly surprised as the surroundings, not at all the intimidating place I had imagined. However, without the two men with me, it might have been a very different scene. I didn't need a thing, but managed to find a few things I couldn't live without! Hmmmm, maybe I could have lived without the tiny Aladdin's lamp or the muslim hat or the ceramic dish, but probably not. I took some great pictures of colorful scenes, Murray will like them! I think I should do a book, "Colors of the Grand Bazaar". I really could have spent hours there I think, snapping pictures and purchasing delightful little trinkets!

We walked to the Blue Mosque and it was quite a long walk, we took the scenic route and were in places I'm not sure it was a good idea to be, but we did find the mosque and enjoyed the experience, so different from what I've seen before. Then we sampled the round sesame bread that resembled what I'd had in Greece. We went to the St. Sofia mosque and there I had a little bit of a problem. I was waiting outside for the guys and they closed and locked the entrance gate, with me inside. I tried to explain in English that I had to wait where I was for my friends and would have to get out later. In Turkish they were letting me know I could not get out later and it became a problem. Finally they went and got one of the representatives who could speak English and he convinced them to let me stay inside the grounds near the exit for my friends. I was afraid to stand on the street alone as it was getting dark. Finally the mess was resolved and I waited where I felt safe for my friends. Then I joined a tour bus and made it back to the shuttle point and safely back to the ship. Whew! I might take the tour tomorrow I'm scheduled for but I've seen everything except the Topkapi Palace so I might just stay on the ship and rest my legs! Probably not, I hate to miss anything in these exciting places. The ship is quiet tonight, many have gone ashore, but I was too tired and Justin has already gone to sleep in preparation for his early morning tour tomorrow.

So, good night from Istanbul!

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