...Swiss Alps, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada

I arrived in Winnipeg safely, and was quite surprised at the smooth flight and how quickly it went. Evidently it was just over an hour and a half flight and we made good time, the weather was beautiful, thank goodness! What a tiny plane that was! Only 50 people and you couldn't stand up, I consistently hit my head when I stood up to get things out of the overheard compartment. I was quite uncomfortable in the small seat too and had to stand a good part of the trip to be comfortable. But it was a jet, and tomorrow I'm heading to Churchill on a prop plane I am told. Yes, that is when the adventure will begin!

I got to know the very nice flight attendent, she is from Denver and is a massage therapist. We had a great conversation, we have a lot of similar interests so we exchanged phone numbers and will stay in touch I am sure. I also exchanged numbers with the head flight attendent on the San Diego trip and she was such a kind lady. I was so surprised when she was also working on my flight home from San Diego. Who knows, maybe some day we will travel together. She recently went through a divorce and was feeling like she would never travel alone and then after meeting me and hearing of my adventures, she decided she could travel alone too. I'm so glad I can be an inspiration to some people by sharing my adventures.

There were several people on the plane headed to Churchill as their final destination, although I didn't get a chance to visit with many of them. One man is celebrating his birthday there and has family flying in from all over the country and they have the entire tundra lodge reserved and a charter flight to take them there. This is their 4th trip to see the bears, guess I picked a great vacation! I also met two delightful ladies who had to decide whether they wanted to go diving in Turkey or to see the bears in Churchill. The diving trip fell through so they ended up here. They also were in Antarctica so we will recognize each other by our orange red parkas! I hear that there has already been a blizzard in Churchill and it is very, very cold there. I am hoping for a good flight and a tiny person sitting next to me!

Well, I had dinner at a lovely restaurant that was recommended to me and am now ready to get a good night's sleep for the grand finale adventure that begins tomorrow afternoon!

Polar bears, here I come!!

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