...Swiss Alps, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day in Turkey

Okay, this isn't totally true, we aren't in Turkey to celebrate the holiday but on our tour today we did see Turkey across the Aegean Sea, so that was pretty special! How many people can say they were near Turkey on Turkey day! In two days we will actually be there. It's strange to be away from America on Thanksgiving Day, there just isn't any feel of a holiday so far. One of the few choices for lunch at the buffet was a breaded barbeque turkey patty, not bad, but I'm hoping for a more traditional meal at dinner.

This trip is different from my last and has many challenges. Unfortunately I can say little good about Celebrity Cruise Lines. Princess excels by far in many ways and my friends agree. I guess it is getting us to our destinations safely and that is a big deal. Being with my nephew is a huge challenge, his life has fallen apart and he is having a hard time and is pushing the limits of acceptable behavior. I am not giving in and it has been a battle but I think now things will be a little more pleasant because if not, he will be returning home early and I will happily be alone on this trip. Outside of the challenges, the trip is nice.

We arrived in Rome to a terrible cold and rainy day, but we were lucky enough to get the tour of the city before heading to the ship. Seeing the coliseum was exciting and actually being in Rome was a thrill for both of us. We had time to enjoy St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican and then headed to the ship. We had a rough night and were both a little sick, but by the next morning all was much better and we had a great sea day relaxing and sleeping. Yesterday we spent in my favorite port, Mykonos. And it is still my favorite, I love the beauty and the calm feel. Most of the town was already closed up for the winter so it was quiet. Justin and I wandered and although my favorite bakery was closed, we did get to the shop where my friend was and luckily we were there then, it was the last day she would be open this season. We made the walk through the beautiful streets to the windmills, probably the most famous site there. And they were beautiful. People say you must see a sunset in Mykonos and we did, but from the village square, not as beautiful as from the windmills I hear. But it was lovely and my friends have pictures so we will get to see that beauty too. I was sad to leave, but looked forward to the other islands.

Today we were in Rhodes, and had a tour around the island. We went to an incredible ancient city, built in 600BC with running water! Amazing! We walked through the beautiful old town, inside the castle walls and it was charming. I think Justin is enjoying his first trip to Europe and all of the beautiful sights! Tomorrow is a new adventure, as we will ascend to the village of Santorini for views as beautiful as Mykonos I hear. Soon we will know for sure!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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