...Swiss Alps, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Snow Walker/Summer Lovers

Just a week ago I was returning from the fabulous frigid polar bear adventure in Churchill and in just a week I will be on my way to Rome to cruise the Mediterranean with my British friends, Peter and Terry, and my nephew Justin. Quite a contrast in scenery and weather!

My last trip truly was my ultimate adventure and I am not quite ready to give up the polar bear experience so I rented the movie, "The Snow Walker" and watched it as Denver was getting it's first snow of the season. Our snow was melted within hours, quite a contrast to the frigid north where I spent almost a week. The movie was filmed in Canada, in Churchill and surrounding areas. I could 'feel' the blizzard in the movie, having just experienced one in the same place, and was quite glad I was not lost in the tundra like the main characters! I actually enjoyed the 'Making of the Movie' part of the dvd the best! It showed the places I was familiar with and even showed the Tundra Buggies that helped the crew make the movies. There were some shots of polar bears, lazing around in the summer and in one part they showed a male running toward the crew very quickly and the crew had to get on the vehicles, but the bear was darted and tranquilized before it reached the movie set. Watching him run, I understood how quickly the bears can run, up to 60 KM an hour they said on the film! I wondered if Kevin was driving one of the vehicles, that is the company he works for in the winter and next time I see him I will find out. The movie was good, the scenery and movie making explanations great! When you are in the mood for a wintry, survival film, check it out.

And to prepare for my upcoming travels, I borrowed the movie "Summer Lovers" from a friend and watched it again. It is an old movie and I saw it many years ago and remembered the main story line, but much of the rest was lost in time. It was filmed in Greece, mostly in Santorini, but also in Mykonos, two of the destinations I am heading to next week. The scenery was beautiful and reminded me why I love Mykonos so much! Unbelievably beautiful! I know that Santorini will be as beautiful and interesting to visit.

Watching movies that were filmed in places I have seen in person is an interesting experience. I usually get lost in a film, it takes me away, but I've noticed that if I have been there, it takes me back in my memory rather than to places unknown. Not a bad thing and the movies seem so much more real. I wonder if there are other movies I will watch and have the same reaction?

Just some thoughts to share. I will begin preparing for my next adventure tomorrow. Justin will fly from Dallas and meet me in Atlanta on Saturday evening and we will visit with some good friends who live near there who I haven't seen in many years on Sunday. Then we will leave in the afternoon for Rome. This is Justin's first transatlantic trip so I hope he loves it as much as I do! We arrive in Rome on Monday morning and take the shuttle straight to the ship that sails Monday night. I'm sure this will be a lot of fun, being with people I know!

Stay warm and enjoy my polar bear pictures...until the ones of the mediterranean are on my sites!

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